Venue: Chania,Crete,Greece
Duration: 28th Octber to 1st November 2021
Participants: 62
The activities implemented by the hosting partner focused on the main project objectives:
1. “To develop learners’ critical thinking, creative thinking, and new behavior patterns to counter intolerance and discrimination”
2. To get people to express their emotions and feelings through arts.
The Journey
ΠνευματικÏŒ ΚÎντρο Χανίων-Cultural Center of Chania
Dissemination event
Integration Through Arts Learning to Enhance Society
31/10/2021Exhibition at the Cultural center of Chania with the collaborative work of all the participants.
ΠνευματικÏŒ ΚÎντρο Χανίων-Cultural Center of Chania
Rehearsals for the dissemination event
The Deputy Mayor of Culture and Tourism Mr. Ioannis Giannakakis welcomed at the Municipality of Chania, Crete, Greece the coordinators and the participants from 7 European countries. The Deputy Mayor of Culture and Tourism welcomed also The Deputy Mayor of Alytaus, Lithuania Jurgita Sukeviciene
I-Tales Erasmus+ Project partners visited the Palace of Knossos, the birthplace of Europe.
Chania, Crete, Greece
The Journey-My Ithaka
Participants collaborative preparation of the exhibition (paintings)
while singing the greek song:
Της ξενιτιάς-Τhe song of the foreign lands
Erasmus+ I-Tales participants visited the School life museum in Chania, Crete, Greece
Experiential art workshop ''Portraits on wooden desks''
29 /10/ 2021
Introducing the partner organizations at the Municipality of Chania, Crete Greece
Chania, Crete, Greece
28 October 2021
The Journey-My Ithaka
Chania, Crete, Greece
Meeting with locals
Under the Erasmus + I-Tales, Integration Through Arts Learning to Enhance Society program, coordinators and participants met with locals in The Historical Kipos Cafe.
The cafe owner shared with Erasmus + participants The Journey of the Historical Kipos Cafe from 1870 until today through narrative and original photos and manuscripts.
Chania, Crete, Greece
I-Tales Erasmus + Participants to the
Archaeological Site Of Chania (Kydonia)
one of the most important cities of the Minoan period.