Arts build inclusive communities

Europe for Diversity I-tales team during the dissemination event in Paphos.
The Greek team recites the Ithaka poem by C.P.Cavafy.
The team sang in Grekaniko ''Άντρα μου πάει''and ''Kalinixta'' in Grekaniko, the dialect spoken by the Griko people in Puglia, Italy

Rosto Solidaro team during the dissemination event in Paphos.
The Portuguese team performing the migrants' departure. The white mask symbolizes migration is a worldwide and historical phenomenon

Art and culture Fondation team during the dissemination event in Paphos
The Bulgarian team performing the power of Music singing and dancing

Associazione Culturale Valeria Martina during the dissemination event in Paphos
The Italian team performing " 'O sole mio" the masterpiece composed in 1898, famous all over the world, symbol of the Neapolitan spirit imprinted in the heart of every Neapolitan, especially migrants, to give life to that subtle state of melancholy nostalgia when far from Naples

Music School during the dissemination event in Paphos. the Lithuanian team performing traditional music and dances

Arts Build Inclusive Communities Report
​Duration: July/August
Physical Mobility: 31st july/4th August 2022
​Hosting Country:
Cross Culture International Foundation Cyprus – CCIF Cyprus
​Participating Partners
Associazione Culturale Valeria Martina-Massafra, Italy (9 people)
Foundation Art and Culture-Sevlievo-Bulgaria (10 people)
Cross Culture International Foundation Cyprus Ltd-Cyprus (10 people)
Europe for Diversity Culture and Coexistence-Greece (6 people)
Alytaus muzikos mokykla- Lithuania (6 people)
Rosto Solidario Associacao De Desenvolvimento Social e Humano Portugal (10 people)
Asociacion cultural y medioambiental Permacultura Cantabria-Spain (6 people)
​Participating learners:
musicians, students, adults, refugees and migrants included, from Adult Education Centres and partner organizations
Other occasional participants:
Mayor of Geroskipou Mr. Kyriakos Hadjivasilis, Municipal Counselor of Geroskipou Mr. Charis Pazaros, Stakeholders, external people involved in the activities as experts
"The Inclusive Communities, Inclusion through Arts" blended mobility was held in Paphos, Cyprus from 31st of July to 4th of August 2022. It was organized thanks to the participation of the 7 Erasmus+ KA204 I-TALES project partners: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, Spain and the Cypriot learners, a group of local young people and migrants/refugees living in Paphos.
In the virtual mobility each partner organized labs with local learners, exchanges of ideas, proposals and collaborations were activated to continue the work during physical mobility in Paphos when more than 55 participants participated in three workshops:
Virtual mobility: “Arts build inclusive communities” Collaborative booklet drafting created material with the free tool Canva. Outputs: Arts build inclusive communities” booklet and accompanying artistic material.
Local Workshop 1: One good practice implemented during the project. Outputs: Photos and videos both of local and international activities.
Local Workshop 2: The storytelling “Immigrants integration models in Europe” collection of models and stories for a sustainable future. Outputs: Script for different stories about migration Successful Models of Integration.
Local Workshop 3: Plan the performances and prepare the artistic scenarios for Paphos. Apply Communication/Dissemination strategy. Outputs: SM posts, wrote press releases, local presentation events, leaflets, newsletters, YouTube videos.
Furthermore, during the workshops, participants "blended" by working together, so giving the mobility its deepest meaning/goal, a communion of people different in linguistic and cultural identity who share and spread common values: acceptance, brainstorming, dialogue, mutual understanding, intercultural integration, refuse of hate speech and racist attitudes. They have used tools Presentations (flyer, PPT, Video..) for preparing the models of immigrants integration and their performances.
Specifically, the program included an opening activity for icebreaking between the groups (Ice-breaking for Inclusion), a workshop on the presentation of models of integration in partner countries (model of integration partner country), as well as the creation of posters and brochures by focus groups with the positive messages that came. A manifesto was created for the sustainability and beyond of the project. A creative ceramics workshop was held in which immigrants joined, a game of respect for different cultures, a choral singing workshop using the song Viva La Musica, which was created by professional musicians and group leaders from the countries of Italy and Bulgaria.
In details the International workshops and Final Art Event included:
C1 Workshop: partners presented 1 model of immigrants integration in their countries. The trainer provided the workshop about digital ARTS and digital storytelling, then participants, in mixed focus Groups, debated and created the manifesto and posters on the conclusions and recommendations on "How Europe and each country should act out good immigrant inclusion policies"
C2 Workshop: “Respect of other cultures” The Cultural curiosity game provided the space to learn and understand more about people whose cultural backgrounds, experiences and perspectives are different from own. How to better empathise with learners and create a more comfortable working relationship.
C3 Workshop: Inclusive Arts laboratory open to the community
The trainer provided guideline for CERAMIC storytelling with clay. The pottery decoration allowed participants to record unique and revealing narratives of their lives. Ceramics told the story of migration for sustainable duration of the project.
4. Music and ART workshops:
Cross-national music choir rehearsed “Viva la musica! Participants prepared their artistic performances, they have worked through music, singing, playacting, simulations, poems, dancing and re-enactment of Aphrodite Cypria cult whose temple was erected by the Myceneans in the 12th century B.C.
C5. Final Multicultural ARTISTIC Event “Arts Build Inclusive Communities”
All participants were involved, co-created and performed on stage to the audiences an amazing intercultural evening. Stakeholders, local community and migrants were among the audience.The cultivation of empathy and understanding resulting in tolerance of the different. Therefore, the issue of immigration and the acceptance of immigrants in the destinations where they are headed, is the main theme on which the I-Tales developed through the Inclusive Communities, in each of the participating countries.
The I-Tales Booklet was presented to all about 100 participants after the addresse of the Mayor of Geroskipou, Mr Kyriakos Hadjivasilis.